The New World Order is best described by its ultimate goal, namely a global fascist state where every detail of our lives is tightly controlled and where the right of the individual has become meaningless. Some believe this will include a world government, currency and army. The Freemasons call this agenda The Great Work of Ages, indicating that it has been in the coming for a very long time.
You have probably found us because you already know about the New World Order but in case you don't, we will give a few examples of how it has already materialised in every part of our lives. Few can argue with the facts of what we are pointing out here. But some insist that those in power are stupid, misguided, misinformed or incompetent and that there is no real plan or intention to the mess we are in. But the people behind the New World Order are not stupid. They are highly intelligent, unimaginably wealthy and utterly without conscience. If you are as yet unconvinced or even find the idea laughable then it is up to you whether you want to research the issue further. SwordOfPower is for those that are ready to act! But there is an endless number of web sites out there with anything from detailed analysis on 9/11 and other “terrorist attacks” to the history of secret societies, manipulation of financial markets, history of banking and many other aspects. You can always start with some of the videos such as America: Freedom to Fascism or Zeitgeist or the much shorter clip The New World Order is here.
Here are some examples:
- The war on terror being used as an excuse for draconian measures against civil liberties. The war on terror was launched after 9/11 and we encourage you to research this event in detail, as you will find the official story a pack of lies.
- Health scares used for mass medication which will increasingly become compulsory. Is your water supply being fluoridated yet under the pretence that it is good for your teeth?
- Parents and teachers systematically stripped of any power and authority to discipline children. Misbehaving children are then diagnosed with a "medical" condition such as ADHD and medicated.
- People encouraged and manipulated into being in debt to banks who are allowed to create the money out of nothing and then take your house away if you fail to repay the non-existent money.
- A financial system based on governments having to borrow money from a central bank which is in private hands and has the monopoly on printing money. The money is lent to governments at interest, instead of governments printing money themselves, thereby creating a debt-based system from the outset.
- Intelligence agencies monitoring our phone calls and internet communications and usage.
- Speaking your mind freely and expressing emotions having become illegal under various laws such as harassment and discrimination laws that make it a crime to say anything that could "distress" someone.
- Crime rates being exaggerated and a few individual cases played out in the mass media in a way that projects an image of lawlessness requiring more laws and law enforcement.
- Mainstream media manipulating "news" to project an image that suits the agenda.Selective and dumbed-down reporting.
- Rights to protest tightly restricted. Any disagreement with the government labelled unpatriotic or even a threat to national security.
Who is behind The New world Order?
The people behind the New World Order are not public figures and have consequently been referred to collectively by terms such as “the powers that be”, “Big Brother”, “the old sorcerers”, “the global elite” etc. They are not our politicians or so-called leaders but people who command enormous financial power behind the scenes. Sometimes certain names are implicated but it is impossible to say who really gives orders and who is merely following them. For the individual claiming back his power, it doesn't really matter. Even if it was possible to take direct action against any individual, another would merely take their place.
How did it come about?
Quite simply, the New World Order is the result of all of us giving our power away by pretending to be weak and helpless and by being too lazy to think for ourselves. This is the simple truth and the root cause. Yes, the powerful manipulators have worked for a long time to get to this stage and have in the process inflicted unimaginable suffering but they have only been able to do so because we allowed it. In fact we have asked them for it. When bad things happen, people want “something done about it” and Big Brother helpfully steps in and introduces more laws or whatever it is that suits the agenda.
We have forgotten that death, hardship and illness are part of life. We demand that they be eradicated as much as possible as if we had a right to a long, easy and conflict-free life. We have created a blame culture where the threat of law suits has lead to ridiculous rules and political correctness.
We even go to “psychics” to be told what to do, as if they knew better than us what we should do with our lives.
How we give our power away:
- Blind believe in “official” news reporting
- Expecting health professionals to make better any condition we have called forth through our life-style or inner state.
- Acting out victim behaviour and wanting others to agree with us that we have been wronged so that we can play the blame game.
- Physical and emotional dependence on “the system”.
- Not taking responsibility for our actions, thoughts and emotions.
- Focusing on the negative, on our differences and on what we don't have.
- Feeling that life owes us, that we deserve better and therefore feeling hard-done-byetc.
Take Action
Although we have divided this section into Physical Action and Self-Empowerment, (mental, emotional, spiritual), the two are not really separate. We have merely separated them here to show that action is necessary in all parts of our lives and to highlight the importance of each side to anyone who might be tempted to ignore one or the other.
Also please remember we can only give you a general idea here. But theForum will be updated constantly and you too can share or ask questions.
Physical Action
Man needs to eat. If we are busy worrying where our next meal is coming from, we won't have time and energy to do anything else, including empowering ourselves. It is essential to prepare for the time of hardship which the world is being manipulated into and this includes looking after our physical needs.
If you have savings consider investing them in gold, land or any other form of value more than just digits in a computer (i.e. your bank account). Such digits will have no value in times of crisis.
Any form of independence from the system is good. Can you source food from local suppliers rather than large supermarkets? Have you got somewhere to grow vegetables or collect water?
Consider selling your TV. You are being brainwashed and manipulated into apathy.
Do whatever you can to build a healthy immune system. That includes some exposure to illness and dirt (not a lack of self-respect but a proportional and healthy lifestyle not dictated by fear and panic).
Be aware of what you eat. Food additives and ready meals do not serve you. They neither save you time nor effort. Respect yourself by eating fresh home-cooked food and respect the planet by avoiding packaging.
Learn practical skills which will serve you in times of crisis – skills which meet the most basic needs of people or else which make you less dependent on the system.
Look for sustainable ways of meeting your physical needs. (See our links page for Radiant Life Technologies).
Form groups with people you trust for mutual support, not in the sense of separating yourselves from the rest of the population, but in the sense of setting an example of how ordinary people can join forces and tackle their challenges together, rather than just complain that “something should be done about it”.
Wake up people around you.
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