Monday, June 11, 2012

Montauk: The Allien Connection

Montauk: The Allien Connection
Montauk: The Alien Connection Reveals the most amazing story yet to surface in the area of alien abduction. This is an autobiographical and factual account from Stewart Swerdlow a gifted mentalist who was born clairvoyant haunted by strange But time-space scenarios. Stewart's rare not only made ​​him Abilities a magnet for Government surveillance, But unique historical genetic structure made ​​him a clearing house for Different alien agendas Which Sought him out for Their Own purposes.
After Suffering Alien Abductions and Government Manipulations, Stewart foundPreston Nichols and discovered His Own role in time travel experiments Known as the Montauk Project . Everyone's sinister plans Went haywire after Stewart Began to deprogramming procedure with Preston Which was Designed to clear historical memories and the Controlling Influences Which HAD Been installed.

Threatened and Stewart WAS Eventually subsequently jailed after Refusing to Comply with historical orders to sever historical ties with Preston, But the Truth Began to reveal itself. In prison and estranged from family historical as to financially destitute and tragic figure, Stewart WAS Able to call on God-given historical Abilities, reshuffle the deck, and re-evaluate life and the historical Which Various agencies Sought to Use him. 
Weeding out the negative Influences and Struggling For His Life, Mental Abilities Stewart historical Used to recover historical memories and discard Those Which Sought to entrap forces as well as mankind him.
The most intriguing aspect of incredible historical story is That I ultimately discovered the Highest common denominator in the alien equation an interdimensional language Which Communicates to all conscious beings.
Montauk: The Alien Connection is an intriguing new twist to the Montauk sage and elevates the Entire subject to a Higher Octave.

Music of Time

The Music of Time. The sixth book by Preston Nichols and Peter MoonReveals the hidden role of Preston Nichols in the music industry and how music WAS linked to mind control and time travel .

The Montauk Project
By Preston Nichols and Peter Moon
The Montauk Project chronicles the most amazing and secretive research project in Recorded history.
Starting with the " Philadelphia Experiment "of 1943, invisibility experiments aboard Were Conducted the USS Eldridge That resulted in full scale teleportation of the ship and crew. Forty years of massive research ensued, culminating in bizarre experiments at Montauk Point That Actually tapped the powers of creation and manipulated time itself.

The Montauk Project bridges the Modalities of Science with The Most esoteric Techniques Catapults ever imagined and finally to the threshold of us the stars. We all know something is out there, But we're not sure Exactly what. This book, at long last, Begins to Provide Some solid clues.

Pyramids of Montauk: Consciousness Exploration in

By Preston Nichols and Peter Moon

Pyramids of Montauk unveils the mysteries of Montauk Point and Its select location for pyramids and time travel experimentation.

An astonishing sequel to The Montauk Project and Montauk Revisited, This chapter of the legend awakens the consciousness of Humanity to ancient history and origins STI-through the discovery of pyramids at Montauk.

Their placement on sacred Native American ground opens the door to an investigation of the mystery Unprecedented schools of Earth and Their connection to Egypt, Atlantis, Mars and the star Sirius.
Preston Nichols Continues to fascinate With An update on Covert Operations at Montauk That includes the discovery of a nuclear particle accelerator based on the Montauk and the Development of new psychotronic weapons.
Pyramids of Montauk propels us far beyond the adventures of the first two books and stirs the quest for future reality and the end of time as we know it.

The Black Sun: Montauk Nazi-Tibetan Connection

The Black Sun Continues the intriguing revelations readers to expect from eating Have Peter Moon digs deeper as I than ever Before Into the mysterious synchronicities That Have Made His work so popular.

After World War II and the occupation of Germany Subsequent Allied Military Commanders Were stunned to discover the penetrating depth of the Nazi regime's state secrets. The world's best intelligence organization not was The Least of These revelations.

Also discovered massive and meticulous research Were file on Secret Societies, eugenics and other scientific pursuits boggled the imagination That of the Allied command. Was an even more spectacular web of underground rocket Entire and flying saucer factories With An Accompanying That still defies ordinary technology Beliefs.
A missing U-boat fleet submarine Possessing the Most Advanced technology in the world left wondering if the Nazis Many HAD escaped with yet more secrets or events with Hitler Himself.
Behind all of These events deeper mysteries Was an element: a secret order to Initiates Known as theOrder of the Black Sun , an organization so it is Feared That now illegal to print Their symbols and events in modern Germany insignia. The Black Sun probes deeper Into the secrets of the Third Reich and Its Tibetan contacts than Any Other Attempt previous.

To get ordering information About These books " click "  HERE

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