Monday, June 11, 2012


by Cherie Marie Cortez on Monday, June 11, 2012 at 4:43am ·

posted by Cheryl Bennie on Saturday, July 16, 2011 at 9:10am ·THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT IS A HYPOCRITE AND A FARCE!

Much earlier than the establishment by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on July 1, 2002, the UN Charter was created “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our life time has brought untold sorrow to mankind.”Chapter I states:“To maintain international peace and security, (member states shall respect the) principle of the sovereign equality (of other members), settle their international disputes by peaceful means, (and) refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.”Since October 1945, UN leadership nor the ICC do anything to deter war, human rights abuses, or other high crimes of powerful member states, notably Western ones and Israel, repeatedly committing crimes of war and against humanity with impunity. In particular, America whose leaders commit the worst of high crimes, has acted lawlessly with impunity, yet no international body or court holds them accountable such as the cases of Yugoslavia/Serbia’s Slobodan Milosevic, Liberia’s Charles Taylor, Sudan’s Omar Hassan al-Bashir, Saddam Hussein (by Washington’s Iraqi Special Tribunal) and others, like Muammar Gaddafi, who now face similar charges.The ICC has ignored all European or Western human rights abuses in conflicts such as those in Afghanistan and Iraq or human rights abuses by Western client states and even Israel. Instead, the Europeans have chosen to focus the Court exclusively on Africa. Despite over 8,000 complaints about alleged crimes in at least 139 countries, the ICC has started investigations into just five countries, all of them African. Given Africa’s previous traumatic experience with the very same colonial powers that now in effect direct the ICC, this must create an alarming déjà vu for those who live on the continent. The EU is additionally guilty of economic blackmail in tying aid for developing countries to ICC membership.ICC chief prosecutor Jose Luis Moreno-Ocampo “sought arrest warrants” for Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam, and brother-in-law intelligence chief, Abdullah Al-Sanous, on “charges of orchestrating systematic attacks against civilians (amounting to) crimes against humanity.” He then slanderously calls Saif a“de facto prime minister” and Al-Sanousi the “right-hand man, his executioner,” Moreno-Campo’s announced evidence was alleged intelligence from other governments and “a lot of phone calls from (outside and) inside Libya.”He continued to claim,Gaddafi’s “forces attacked Libyan civilians in their homes and in public spaces, shot demonstrators with live ammunition, used heavy weaponry against participants in funeral processions, and placed snipers to kill those leaving mosques after prayers.”“The (alleged) evidence shows that such persecution is still ongoing as I speak today in the areas under Gaddafi’s control. (His) forces have prepared a list with the names of alleged dissidents, and they are being arrested, put into prisons in Tripoli, tortured and made to disappear.”

PERSONAL NOTES: ALL LIES as I know all this independently and first hand as I took notes with my mentor and best friend, the UN Security Council Special Envoy to the Arab Nations that Coalition has been trying to assassinate the entire time we were brokering peace with the rebels!Here is a fact that Western media airbrush and mostly released regurgitated managed news, reporting everything but the truth.“It is the rebels who took up arms in the middle of our peaceful cities and caused the death of many people (by recruiting foreign mercenary) fighters from several nationalities.”PERSONAL NOTE: Mr. Moreno-Ocampo, with this report, I will give youNAMES of persons and companies who were in charge of the media propaganda as well as instigators. I find it very interesting that you would cover up the big 5 American Equity firms who started this. The Western Media, with their paid bloggers also ought to be tried for War Crimes just as Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister. They were fueling World War 3 and reporting lies as well as slander. However, since none of you can do your job properly, I think it is time humanity ought to put your group on trial.If you want another real cases of atrocities,On May 14: NATO massacred Libyan religious leaders at Brega.On May 13: NATO killed over 150 of Libya’s most senior Imams who assembled for a peace conference. (NOTE: Brega was chosen….because it is the closest government held town to the rebel held stronghold of Benghazi, and the Imams planned to send a delegation (there) following the conference. But, early on May 13, NATO bombed their site, killing at least 10, injuring over 40 others severely enough to require hospitalization)Two Imans traveled back to Tripoli, held a press conference and condemned the attack. NATO confirmed it, claiming it targeted a “command and control center,” a deliberate lie.FYI: The structure was a temporary residential complex or guest quarters and it was unrelated to Libya’s military.Or the 28 children who died 3 hours after the bogus NO FLY ZONE was implemented, and not long after that the 1200 civilians the French Rafale jets targeted in a University town?Mr. Moreno-Ocampo is on a witch-hunt rather than legitimate justice and doing his job that is paid to do! Notably, Washington pressured the Security Council last February to investigate “widespread and systematic attacks” against Libyans it instigated by enlisting, arming and funding insurgent fighters.They, not Gaddafi, incited violence. Sarcozy fired the bullets and bombs first. We called on ceasefire, there were no Gaddafi planes that left the ground. The Coalition sent assassins, snipers, spies, and covered the ground with bombs and bullets with the French Rafale jets! Justifiably, Gaddafi responded to stop it to protect his people. He kept his word of ceasefire. Victimized by imperial intervention, he’s now targeted for doing his job as a sovereign leader of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.Claiming ample evidence shows Gaddafi “personally ordered attacks on unarmed Libyan civilians” is gross hypocrisy with no credibility whatever.As I go on expanding my personal account and report of the overall scenario, let me underline the fact that no humanitarian crisis existed until America and its imperial partners showed up lawlessly. The attack on the Arab Nations and in particular, Libya was planned many months and years, in advance, with grand scheme includes:– replacing one despot with another;– preventing any direct democratic spark from emerging;– colonizing Libya;– balkanizing the country;– establishing new Pentagon bases;– using them to intimidate neighboring states;– dominating the Mediterranean Basin and entire African continent; and– carving up Libya for profit by stealing its wealth, controlling its money and resources, exploiting its people, turning workers into serfs, and privatizing its state enterprises under Western control, no matter how many corpses and mass destruction it takes to do it.There are real material interests at stake, fortunes to be made many times over. This intervention is intended to enrich the Western investors and keep the world safe for them.

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