Monday, June 11, 2012

Evidence of NATO war crimes

POSTED ON Saturday, July 16, 2011 at 8:59am ·Libyan rebels using Western arms, looting Libyan Central Bank in Benghazi; 
WAYNE MADSEN: I witnessed anumber of seriously injured Libyans and other Africans of all colors, many darker than or having the same skin tone as Barack Obama. Photo: Muammar Qaddafi and Barack Obama

TRIPOLI, LIBYA – Shortly after Libya’s rebel Interim Transitional National Council (ITNC) seized control of Benghazi, the second-largest Libyan city, they discovered the two keys for the cash vaults of the Libyan Central Bank in the city. However, because of control mechanisms, the cash vault required a third key held at the Libyan Central Bank in Tripoli, the capital. The rebel movement brought in a professional safe cracker from the United Arab Emirates who successfully opened the cash vault safe. The rebels had their hands on $900 million in Libyan dinars and $500.5 million in U.S. dollars.According to Central Bank officials in Tripoli, the rebels have now spent or siphoned to their offshore bank accounts the entire Benghazi Central Bank cash reserves. In addition, the rebel movement has squandered millions of euros provided by the Euriopean Union. The rebel’s theft of money is so great, the U.S. Treasury has refused to provide frozen Libyan central government funds to the rebel movement.In addition to the Libyan dinars stolen from the Benghazi Central Bank, NATO countries have printed their own Libyan dinars abroad and have made the cash available to the rebels.Under Qaddafi’s Libyan Oil Wealth program, every Libyan family received a monthly payment of 500 dinars, their share of Libya’s oil revenues. With the rebels controlling the finances of eastern Libya, families in the east are no longer receiving the oil wealth-sharing payments and the looting of the Central Bank in Benghazi has resulted in no money for civil servants and pensioners.Prior to the NATO attack on Libya, Qaddafi was working with other African nations, including that of President Laurent Gbagbo of Cote d’Ivoire, to establish an Africa-wide currency unit under the African Monetary Authority. French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his French business friends saw Qaddafi’s move as threatening the collapsing CFA franc, a neo-colonial contrivance used by France to maintain control over their former colonies in Africa. With Gbagbo ousted largely by French troops and Qaddafi under attack by French-and Israeli-backed rebels, Sarkozy and his banker and business friends feel that the CFA franc is safe and plans for the African currency unit are aborted.

A portrait of Muammar Gaddafi hangs in a destroyed office of Libya's anti-corruption agency following Nato bombing. Photograph: Mahmud Turkia/AFP/Getty ImagesOne of NATO’s first targets in Tripoli was the Office of Investigation of Corruption in Tripoli. Several of the Qaddafi ministers who defected to the rebels, including the former Justice, Interior, Planning and Economic Development, and Trade and Industry ministers, were being investigated for fraud by the Libyan government. The documents on corruption were backed up, however, and are now stored in a safe location.The Libyan rebels, many of whom are Libyan mujaheddin Salafists from Afghanistan and Iraq, including many Libyans captured in Afghanistan and released from detention in Guantanamo, obtained brand new weapons not found in Libyan stockpiles at the outset of their rebellion. Other Salafists crossed into Libya from neghboring Darfur in Sudan.Some of the Salafists are members of the Islamic Combatant Group while others have established the “Emirate of Derna” in the east that is under the control of a member of “Al Qaeda” named Sheikh Abdul-Hakim. The INTC has issued Hakim a false Libyan passport. The passport photo shows Hakim with a beard and the Qaddafi government prohibits passport photos showing beards.

U.S. diplomat Luke Reynolds was expelled from U.S. embassy in Tripoli in Nov. 2010Many of the Islamic mujaheddin groups began their campaign to topple Qaddafi on Facebook. In November 2010, a political officer for the US embassy in Tripoli was expelled for espionage. WMR has learned the diplomat was a CIA agent who was on a liaison mission with a Libyan rebel “sleeper cell” in Ifrane, about 100 miles southwest of Tripoli, when he was caught by Libyan security. Thne CIA’s early involvement with the Libyan rebels, along with early support for the rebels by French and British intelligence, indicates that the Libyan rebellion was not based on events in neighboring Tunisia and Egypt, but was designed to authorize the rebels to move when a favorable situation presented itself. The overthrow of the governments of Tunisia and Egypt provided just the right situation for the CIA and its French and British counterparts.Many of the new weapons being used by the rebels are from the Belgian-based arms manufacturer Fabrique Nationale (FN), which has a CIA-connected subsidiary called FNH-USA. (VOD ed.: Click on

 view “patriotic” video showing FNH-USA weapons with soldiers, courtesy of U.S. Dept. of Defense.) One FN rifle, the Fusil Automatique Léger (FAL), is the standard weapon being used by the rebels. The FAL, called the “Right Arm of the Free World” during the Cold War, only uses NATO standard rounds. The weapon was never used by the Libyan Army, which relied on Soviet weaponry. Claims by NATO that the rebels are using Libyan weapons captured from army arsenals and caches are, therefore, false.

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