This new video produced in China by Larry Edelson contains material that will be upsetting to some viewers. However, it also contains critical information about the U.S. economy, markets and your investments that the mainstream media has refused to report. If your investments are important to you, click this link to view it now. — Stan Pyatt
Gala World Premier for Uncommon Wisdom Daily readers ONLY:
The ONE documentary
that NOBODY in Washington
or on Wall Street
wants you to see!
Dear Subscriber,
“The story I’m about to tell you is one of betrayal: The cruelest, most callous financial treachery in our nation’s 236-year history.
“I have uncovered compelling evidence that the Chinese government is conspiring with Washington, D.C. to impoverish you and sentence your children and your grandchildren to lives of financial servitude ...”
... So begins The Great Betrayal of 2012 — the most shocking video you’re likely to see this year or any year.
I took the risk of personally producing this documentary at the World Financial Center in Shanghai, China to give you the truth that nobody in the media dares to report ...
Beijing and Washington
are working together
to bankrupt you
Now please don’t misunderstand: I’m not a political man and this is NOT a political video. It’s not about Democrats or Republicans or who should win the U.S. elections in November.
My mission is to help you preserve and grow your wealth in the face of what I see as the most despicable betrayal imaginable.
In The Great Betrayal of 2012, I present compelling evidence that China is not satisfied to merely surpass the U.S. economy: It has already begun a campaign to DOMINATE the U.S. economy.
When the dust settles, the United States will be little more than just another name on the long list of once-proud countries that squandered their wealth ...
That were ultimately driven to their knees ...
And that were forced to submit to the nations that took their places.
Any way you look at it, this is treachery of the highest order:
The U.S. dollar — and YOUR income, savings, investments and retirement — is being sacrificed on the altar of political expediency.
And while the insult to our national pride and patriotism will be painful, the personal toll will be excruciating.
The dollar’s demise will be catastrophic for everyone who earns, saves or invests dollars.
The price you pay for food, electricity, gasoline and just about everything else will skyrocket.
But the most shocking part of all is that our own leaders in Washington, D.C. have betrayed us by becoming Beijing’s willing accomplices in this war against our wealth!
In finance as in life,
the best defense is a strong offense.
If my three decades as a financial analyst have taught me anything, it’s that terrible things happen when we ignore reality.
But once you grasp the reality that Beijing is now in charge, you’ll find it’s quite easy to insulate yourself — and even to make a substantial sum of money in the process.
Treachery in the White House: Why America’s leaders are collaborating with Beijing to break you ...
Meet your new puppet masters. You elect the men and women who govern this country. But who governs them? How? And why? The facts will shock you!
Shocker: China’s economy has already left America’s in the dust. In fact, China is already so rich, it can now DICTATE economic policy to the world; even to the United States of America.
The “Big Lie” the White House is telling about China: Why it means your cost of living is about to skyrocket.
Grave warnings from world leaders: What former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown ... French President Nicolas Sarkozy ... and even Henry Kissinger say about China’s growing dominance ...
CRITICAL SELF-DEFENSE: How to protect yourself and your family from their scheme to destroy your wealth.
THE VERY BEST DEFENSE: Growing richer! The four types of investments that will soar in this new era — investments that are designed to soar 185% ... 200% ... 257% ... up to 365% as Washington and Beijing gut the U.S. dollar.
And MUCH more!
The Great Betrayal of 2012 is free to watch, but I must warn you: The facts I report will be disturbing to some investors. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.
Just turn up your computer speakers and click this link; the video will begin playing immediately.
Larry Edelson, Producer
The Great Betrayal of 2012
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