Monday, March 19, 2012



by Cheryl Bennie on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 at 4:49pm ·

  • Posted by cheryl on September 7, 2011 at 2:00pm
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We The People all over the world are in a time so important to the survival of the human race One no different then the other. The Nwo comes in many layers at the top I think everyone know who they are .... We buy their products where their close eat and drink their poisons. Needles to say the air We breathe. How long do you think it will be before the wars on not made up to control oil. But to control the water supply . Because I believe the oil is just a veil over the water supply . The most important thing a human needs to survive. WATER!! We dont have it we will die and will not be a pretty death but slow and ugly in those concentration camps they have been building all over the world with the coffins by the millions . THE WORLD NEEDS TO UNITE AS ONE NOW TIME IS NO LONGER OUR FRIEND. If we dont we will not win. In order for one man to be free all must be free. EVERY COMMON AND POOR PERSON IN THIS WORLD MUST RISE TO THE OCCASSION. No more Wars No More killing No more taking away of what we never have been able to enjoy for thousands of years We must remember how powerful one can be when he knows who he is they know they. It is why they have controlled the minds of billions for 1000's of years. If one can become that power imagine what billions of one can change. The whole world as we know it will become a New Earth for when free ourselves and heal ourselves by loving ourselves the Earth will change and become a more beautiful place to live. Without the corruptions of mans laws not the lands laws. You have been under control for so long you believe you need to have governance in your lives someone to lead the way . Look where they have brought us we dont even know who were are what we are or where we come from.And I think they gave us that advantage with all their lies. The history we know we don't know. And we never will know who we are and where we really came from if we continue to let them control OUR WORLD. We dont need them to lead the way . They have taken us to hell and we can guide ourselve to our heaven right here on earth . The reason say this advantage because right now none of us honestly knows what power we have none of us. None of us really knows the ancestry of what we are. Pure light and Energy. So much of it and the force we give off is angry. Because we want peace and they are not hearing us. ITS TIME WE MAKE OUR PEACE FOR THERE WILL BE NO PEACE UNTIL THERE IS PEACE WITHIN. They will get out of our way when they see a world standing united against their Laws of man borders and fences That is freedom. As long as there is the laws of man and the walls borders and fences to keep us in and out no man will ever be free. There is good and bad in everyone . But when the good over comes the bad they have no choice the will also evolve T THE PLANET IS MAKEING ITS CHANGE AND IT WILL CLEANSE ITSELF OF ALL THE NEGATIVE ENERGY ON IT . IF WE DONT CHANGE OUR HATE TO LOVE AND ANGER TO HAPPINESS IT WILL CLEANSE ITSELF OF ALL THOSE WHO DONT AND MANY WHO DO WILL DIE ALSO. tHE ANGER HATE AND NEGATIVE ENERGY WE RADIATE EVERY DAYS IS WHAT IS SPEEDING UP EARTHS CHANGES . Think about it we are one with nature each has a a light in their heart So when six billion people are walking around miserable you dont thing the planet will react. ... .. Imagine the world with 6 billion positive energized people with love. Knowing the power of the brain and heart and the light and energy coming from each and everyone of us. Noone likes being controlled no one likes feeling less or more important then the next .The world could be our school of learning just from eachother You shouldnt have to pay for knowledge. Right now We can this we have the technology to be equals under one sun . This is our future see it know it do something now  People do what they do in their lives because they are not happy or they have no jobs that pay ienough to make ends me Right now we are all the same wanting the same and no one really sure about who we really are . We have everything we need right here one earth all WE HAVE TO DO IS WORK AS A COLLECTIVE OF ONE. No one more higher than the next EACH ONE TEACH ONE and learn to love eachother because they did this to us taught us to hate to fight to kill. WE WERE NOT INSTILLED WITH ANYTHING but love and the lawsof MORALITY. Because we feel those EACH AND EVERYONE OF US  before   we were programed we did what we felt inside was the right thing to do . MUST FORGET HISTORY FOR IT HAS BEEN REWRITTEN FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS TO CONTROL YOU. If you really want to change this world LOOK INSIDE AND MAKE THE CHANGE TOGETHER AS ONE BECAUSE THAT IS THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL KNOW THE FREEDOM AND THE PEACE you so desire to have. We are all confused and lost right now. But we dont have to be Help eachother CARE about the human race the survival of it love  youreself forgive your self and then love and forgive all who have wronged you because of the lies. because that is what we only know the lies . We dont even need the truths or secrets of our origins we can learn those as we grow together. THEY HAVE DIVIDED AND THEY WILL CONQUER UNLESS THE WORLD IS UNITED. ITS TIME TO STAND AND TAKE BACK OUR LAND AS ONE  FOR MANKIND 

Sincerely, Cheryl Corte

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