Sunday, February 5, 2012


I entered into this world as the youngest of four surviving children into a barely middle class, highly dysfunctional family in February of 1973, the year of the rat. I had two near death experiences in 1977, the year of the snake. The first was when I was knocked from a porch measuring six foot in height and plummeted head first into a brick flower-bed wall, cracking the top brick from impact with my head. The second was shortly thereafter in the month of September when I underwent a major operation to correct a heart defect known as tetrology of fallot. Based on Chienese Astrology, I believe that I possess personality characteristics of both the rat and snake but it appears to me that I have more traits found in the snake personality rather than those of the rat. I have also found that I illistrate common personality traits of both the Aquarius and Virgo signs according to their zodialocical qualities. Growing up with the understanding from physicians and cardiologists that I would more than likely never see my mid-twenties and being raised by an over-stressed, ill-tempered, easily enraged, boarder-line genius, perfectionist of a father and a somewhat emotionally distant mother, I, as a teenager, quickly became a troubled, misunderstood, rebellious wild child who had reckless tendencies. I decided to live for the moment rather than prepare for the future, believing that each day may very well be my last. Looking back on those years, I had some of fun, experiemented, lived alot, and learned how to love myself, so although there are a few things I probably shouldn't have done I carry no regrets and there is not much, if any, that I would actually change if I could. I eventually settled down and realized that my parents had always provided for, protected, taken care of and loved me and my siblings to the best of thier abilities under the circumstances they had been dealt in the hand of life and they by far out-shined and did a much better job than most in comparison. My father and I, after many misunderstandings, conflicts and struggles finally found common ground and gained great understanding and appreciation of one another and had not only bonded but had became the best of friends. We shared a wonderful, loving father-daughter relationship that bloomed and blossomed before his untimely death in January of 1997. I will always cherish the time we were allowed to spend together that presented the oppurtunuties and occasions in which I gained personal growth, self strenth, common and self knowledge along with the understanding of many things. I am extremely truly grateful for having the privilege of being this great mans' daughter and being blessed enough to have him as my best friend. I will forever hold in my heart with eternal love, respect and admiration this dear man, his memory and his shared knowledge. be continued.... .. .. .. .. .. .. stars layout powered / MyHotComments

Who I'd like to meet:

Could you be the one for me? Could you be my find? Could it be, after all this time, Fate is going to be kind? Could you be the one for me, The one to help me forget the man that broke my heart, my soul The man that haunts me yet? You tell me that I'm beautiful, Something I've never heard But one still lives here in my mind That couldn't spare a kind word. It's going to be hard to forget And pick up the pieces he left Could you be the one to teach How to love again and forget? Could you be the one to come And mend my broken heart? Are you willing to piece together What another broke apart? It won't be an easy job, you see My road has been long and rough And the heart that was once so soft Is now shut, locked, and tough, But I can feel my heart open again It's opening for you Just come in, and love me back That's all you have to do. I must ask you one small thing Before we kiss and part Please be nice and kind to me I'm tired of broken hearts!! Could you be the ONE?

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