Do what you love
You'll enjoy life a lot more when you do what you love.
But maybe you can't do what you love.
You're too busy, there's no time.
You think about what you'd like to do.
Then you realize all the things you HAVE to do.
Where's the time? you ask yourself.
You just can't do what you love because you haven't got the time.
A few weeks go by, then a couple of months and you're still as busy as you were,
maybe even more busy.
Before you know it the year's gone by (another one is ending soon).
And you still haven't done what you enjoy.
You haven't made the time to do what you love.
Or maybe you just forgot what you love doing.
Maybe if I asked you: "What do you enjoy doing?"
You might say: "I don't know."
You've buried your passion.
When you bury your passion you lose your passion for life.
How can you enjoy life if you don't do what you enjoy?
You can't.
Instead you go through life doing the things you don't enjoy.
Then you get angry or frustrated.
You want more, you want to enjoy life but you tell yourself you can't.
You're too busy.
You now completely believe that you just don't have the time to do the things you want to do.
You believe that you're too busy and don't have the time to enjoy life.
You believe that you can't enjoy your life.
And so the misery continues.
If you're not enjoying life you're not living.
You're just struggling. You're just surviving.
That's not a way to live.
You should be out enjoying life.
You should be out doing what you love.
But you're not.
You lost that passion.
You let it slip away.
You buried it.
Forgot about it.
And now you're too busy.
Too busy to bring it back.
You've put the belief that you're too busy on your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious now thinks that you want to be busy.
Being your good servant, your subconscious goes out and finds ways for you to stay busy.
Even if you didn't have anything to do you'd still say you have no time.
Because that's what you believe and so the subconscious keeps creating the
situations for you to stay busy.
It's a really vicious cycle that you've created.
And if you don't break that cycle now - it will only get worse.
You'll miss out on all of life's little pleasures because you're too busy.
Stop feeding your subconscious mind the belief that you're busy.
Give your subconscious new information.
Give it new beliefs that allow you to enjoy life.
So that you live life with passion.
Get your subconscious mind to make more time for you.
So that you live with passion and no longer struggle. Start today
So just do it !!!!!!! . Start NOW …. With me … because I am also caught-up in this same situation !!!
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