Posted: 2011/03/26 by mjsantos in Geopolitics, Musings
Tags: Cameron, crimes, Libya, NATO, Obama, Sarcozy, War
To my dear brother Mr. President Barack Obama,
I’ve bitchslapped Cameron and Sarcozy. Now, it is your turn.
You promised hope and change. Yes, a big part of that is quite idealistically naïve because your cabinet and pretty much the entire Congress are all bought and serve the Almighty Dollar. It takes maturity, heart, courage, honesty, wisdom and self-sacrifice to be a true leader.
You have the heaviest burden among the three of you. You have been given trust by those underrepresented and voiceless for so long. You made history and the Universe placed you there for that reason alone. Trust is a very fragile cloak. It doesn’t take much to tear it. Yours was woven with a very painful history. You had a dream, have you forgotten? Do not sell your dreams over measly illusions and Ego-based excuses. As a fellow ENFJ personality, at the core of your heart, I know how you deeply love your wife and children. You are good inside for if you weren’t, you would not have felt the same pain I felt when the innocent Libyan children and families were killed by Sarcozy’s childish tantrums and incompetent leadership. I also know how difficult it is to be in an establishment where snakes and crocodiles are always around you, and there are not many whom you can truly trust in this world because everyone worships their Ego and their illusions.
But YOU are the one at the helm of this WORLD POLICE. I’m not going to speak of some things you like to hide from the world of what you really are doing around here, but you know what I am talking about. You need to change that too. It’s nowhere near a “humanitarian motive” at all. It’s sheer dominance, control and imperialistic. You know it and I know it (so are the other people who are involved.)
We have captured the 12 executives from Hongkong, who were in cahoots with your American big equity foundation executives, that instigated the entire rebellion in the Middle East. I’m sure deep within, you are pleased to know and that I am proud to report to you and the world that China executed 6 of them and 6 of them are in prison few days ago. We stopped their weapons delivery promise to the rebels to take over Libya’s oil. $50 billion on the table does speak loud and being able to buy $1000 Egyptian captains per head in Egypt and other places, will surely come a long way to take Pakistan and control the nuclear weapons. It was a hellish few weeks for all of us who guard this planet at the highest levels, for if this were to happen, India and Israel will go in all out nuclear war. Why shouldn’t they? These Radicals have nothing better to do that ruffle everyone’s feathers for the sake of causing havoc in all our hemispheres and they have been so advanced that they manage to fool the world viralled and nickname it “freedom” and “democracy”.
China will never sacrifice their honor. WE will not either. The media does not say much on how high the Chinese regard peace and good moral standing in politics. But those of us in the innermost circles know this very well. Now, I know these American traitors have bought both political parties and more in both your House of Representatives and Senate. They bought 3 horses so to speak. Are they riding well? ☺
But what would you say then to your children and the other children who look up to you if this World War III is to happen? Are you willing to destroy your relationships around the world over this nonsense? Does this really bring pride to your country that you force countries into submission to you? What message does this really teach our children? Isn’t it hypocritical to say something nicey-nice on TV with our smooth speeches and never live up to it? Why can’t we all just be real honest with one another?
About these “massacre” tragedy of thirty deaths that made you all feel Superheroes to intervene because it is your “moral duty”. Nice choice of recycled words. Let’s do a little math for you too. Shall I remind you of the hundreds of young men and women that died at your Capitol who protested against the War in Vietnam that your own police killed? Perhaps that is too close to home.
Let’s go further out and more recent. US/NATO in Afghanistan killed sixty four villagers on 20th February (locals said twenty were women, twenty nine were children and young adults, aged seven to twenty, and fifteen, men). You declared it as a “mistake”, not a “massacre”. On 1st of March , nine children, aged seven to fifteen were killed whilst collecting firewood, near a village in Kunar province, your Defense Secretary, Robert Gates described their annihilation as a ” … a setback.” The Washington Post (3rd March) described the childrens’ deaths as: “the latest irritant” between US/NATO., forces and the Afghan government. Killings of protesters in Iraq, by your representative forces, are met with silence. There was no call for a “no fly zone” as Israel decimated Gaza and mercilessly destroyed fourteen hundred lives, trapped in a tiny land, with no where to hide. Yet now, you are putting your friend Israel in harm’s way because you are letting Hillary’s Kindergarten Foreign Policy support the rebels in Egypt when we all know the Taliban has managed to put Egypt’s economy in a huge set up the last three years with all the suicide bombers thereby losing a lot of their income from tourism? Please don’t tell me that none of you considered the fact that you let any of these rebels take over Egypt and god forbid, Libya, we are all in big trouble in Europe, Mediterranean and Africa! Surely one of you know how to play chess?!! Are you really all this greedy? If you want to really intervene, then let us stop the rebels that are bought by the Radicals! This should be the better use of your firepower than allowing this woman use this as some platform for her political motives. This is not child’s play! There are real lives, nations, and GDPs involved.
This is not a NO FLY ZONE. It is a NO LIFE ZONE!!!!! This is MILITARY AGGRESSION Iraq and Afghanistan Part Deux multiplied by X. NO FLY ZONE was to ONLY protect the civilians. You are doing the opposite! I am waiting for the headcounts. But 1200+ CIVILIANS since this was illegally implemented was dead, and counting.
So you and your possé want to follow the Iraq model again? Ok, let’s rehash: Sell $millions in arms to always an attractive customer, then impose sanctions, freeze all assets (accounting for seized assets apparently not necessary) invade and grab the oil fields. Oops, I forgot, also demand all countries to embargo arms: “including supplies to mercenaries.”
Those of us who are in friendly relations with the Arab world and know their culture and mindset, can you truly expect us to sit and approve this “intervention”, where, according to the Human Development Index (HDI) (which measures life expectancy, health, literacy and well being), Gaddafi successfully manage to provide an “extensive” social services program, to which included a comprehensive pension system, compensation for sickness and work injury, maternity benefit, free medical care and education, with a “dramatic” improvement in literacy over two decades and the lowest infant mortality rate and highest life expectancy in Africa.
Libya’s HDI is the highest in Africa and rates 53rd over all (in context, Brazil 73rd).
Let’s call it spade for spade. Whilst Colonel Gaddafi’s treatment of opponents leaves plenty to be desired, Abu Ghraib, Bagram, Guantanamo, and secret torture renditions across the planet, the treatment of Julian Assange and the actual treatment of Bradley Manning. Let’s take another layer. The imposition of sanctions on Iraq in 1990, the subsequent bombings, George W, Bush’s declaration of a “Crusade” before Iraq’s invasion, the carpet bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the bombing, invasion and occupation of Afghanistan in 2001, the U.S., and U.K., have led twenty one, shameful, homicidal, infanticidal, blood soaked years against Muslim lands. These are hardly platforms from which to preach human rights, don’t you agree? Shall I go on, Mr. Nobel Peace Prize? As a human being and a global citizen, I must ask why with all your crimes against humanity, you seem to think you are immune to do whatever you desire? Is this the only way and method you know for progress? Sheer aggression?
Yeah, I think that is the only way to have dominance on this planet since your people seem to think Norway is the capital of New York. You need to slice a lot of your military budget and have decent education program if you truly love your people. Knowledge is power, but I guess you like to maintain Sheeple and dumb constituents. I don’t know. I never really liked Kool-Aid. I like real juice. But that’s just me.
We both know the Libyans do not need liberation. They’re doing just fine until all of you came along. Let me ask you this: If some people entered your country, bombed your house and killed both your daughters, what would you do? Yet, you all vilified Gaddafi when all he is doing is defending himself. Not only that. You forbade to defend himself. Has anyone mourned for his dead family, relatives and friends? Do any of you sleep well at night knowing you betrayed your own friends over money? Isn’t that immature and something an uneducated imbecile with no morals do? Surely, your family taught you some manners, right?
We, as Guardians of this planet who have been invisible and unappreciated for quite some time, we are not in our positions for glory for we have been groomed to serve humanity. We are the glorified servants of this world and not many people know that we toil the hardest and longest hours. We diligently work and have many sleepless nights so the rest of the world can sleep soundly at night. Our reward and only glory is our self-worth and self-respect. Dignity and good morals are what we uphold. Integrity, honesty, loyalty, compassion and respect is our most valuable currency of exchange. We are in our positions because we love and care for humanity, regardless of how Egos treat and vilify us. It is not power we crave, but balanced and stable relationships among humankind. We want a peaceful and harmonious world. It takes true humility, depth and noble character to be a real leader. It is not a path for the weak and the strong must always aspire such virtue. We do what must be done for we are happiest when we bring each situation into balance by reducing that which is too great, and adding to that which is too little. Real humble people are not prey to the many illusions that grow out of self-importance. It is true humility that is often rewarded just as valleys are filled by the erosion of great mountains. It is the way we fill the world’s empty cup. Weak character does not have this in their natural disposition, and thus must make a more conscious effort in removing their Egos in order for them to become part of the WHOLE.
Do you still remember why you ran for office? Do you still remember your promises? Do you still remember what you wrote in your books? Do you still remember what you told your grandmother? Will you be able to sleep, dear friend, knowing your silence would have fulfilled what the fanatics wanted since 9/11? Do we really want these deceptive people using religion to cloak their evil intents to usher Armageddon in order to have more members in their respective affiliations? I’m exhausted from all this primitive nonsense, aren’t you? I really want a birthday party next week and a few days off but this is stalling everything that I must do, like my own inauguration. You had yours. May I have mine now? You know, I’m a woman. I need my pampering and time to get ready. I’m very late for all my preparations. ☺
Having Hillary to represent America to the world was a poor choice on many levels, we both know that. But I know why it had to be done. But YOU are the boss. YOU are the Chief Executive of your nation. Anyone who represents the CEO and its company should never be on board if all they do is represent their self-serving agenda. As a CEO, we must do what we must in order to do what is best, regardless of what everyone thinks. We must remove all weeds that choke the saplings and healthy plants in our garden. If not, the fruits of our labor will not flourish and be abundant. That is a timeless Natural Law of our planet. Surely, you know this from your vegetable garden in your backyard ☺ We always have to think of what is best for the entire group. Don’t continue to blemish your name by playing in these people’s mud. What happened in Saudi can be fixed. We will help you if you choose and do the right thing. Let us smoothen all relationships by rectifying all the wrongs. Only then we can build a stronger foundation. We do not need to air dirty laundry. It has never been in my nature to gossip and say something to merely destroy. I say something just to hold up a mirror for growth in one’s Soul.
Apropos, on a personal note: I don’t like it that you both go to DRC under “diplomatic relations” and in her case, touting women’s rights when you’re all after is URANIUM! She does NOT represent me. I think it is appalling that you forbid everyone to do this and that with nuclear activities, yet you set up military shop there? We all know it is uranium (and other resources of course because DRC is the richest one) you are after. The same you used for the Hiroshima Bomb. So now, you want to use “diplomatic” muscle and using women’s rights as cover? That is kind of low, don’t you think? No. I don’t like that at all. It doesn’t look too good for your African-American constituents that you did that too. Hmmm…as I said, you have a lot of explaining to do to your people, Mr. President. I suggest you focus on the home front first.
Also, YOU do not have to listen to all the sell-outs, whose god is their Egos, making too many noises that are not good for your people. Let us all take the high road. Let us not destroy anymore, but build for the future of our children’s children. I will help you if you ask in humility and sincerity. I will find others who will help you too, my dear brother. I love your people too, even though they’ve hurt and betrayed me in so many occasions and levels. But in order to be great, we must be tolerant and accepting of all people’s flaws. Let us break down all the invisible walls of divisions and all differences. They are all worthless illusions we can never take when we cross the Other Side. Naked we came, naked we leave. Let us remember the most important in between, RELATIONSHIPS. Let us do what is best for humanity. TOGETHER, we can and we will bring hope and change. When you make this strong choice from here on out, you will not be alone. I will stand with you, unwavering.
Just like you, I have a Purpose, Calling and Destiny to fulfill. It is a very lonely journey to walk in the narrowest path of all. It is a very heavy mantle to be given our positions and thus, requires a huge amount of mental discipline. Not many can walk this path. This is how you separate the wheat from the chaff. We are at the highest levels for the Universe allowed and determined it to be so by all our Destinies. But it takes a wise person to accept the burden. A weak person will never dare to achieve greatness due to their self-imposed limitations they allowed to creep in their minds and being. They rarely capture their imagination and continue to believe it is impossible, when it is easy to reach if they seek it with all their hearts. Real leaders must always have the right attitude, the right motives and right priorities. When one’s heart is right, their vision is the clearest.
Personal integrity is practiced and honed behind closed doors where no one sees. What type of fruits do we want to grow from the seeds we plant in these innocent beautiful gifts that the Universe bestowed and entrusted us with? What virtues are you teaching them by your actions? What type of legacy do you wish to leave? Those who will remember us most are the ones closest, whom we allowed to witness our lives. They are the ones who matter most. All the illusions of this world will never replace unconditional love from those who freely give them like the children. We cannot teach the children that covering lies is a desired and a required skill to acquire in order to be successful in this world. No more masters and slaves. Let us leave that primitive conditioning and thinking behind. Let us be EQUALS. Let us bring peace and harmony now to our world. It is time to be ONE.
I must be true to my Calling that I embraced. I am not going to apologize to any Ego when we release the facts and report of what truly happened the last few weeks. Burn who needs to burn. A stern disciplinary action is needed. We do not want another Afghanistan and Iraq nor World War III.
EVERYONE must be held accountable for these irresponsible acts and atrocities to humanity. WE ARE ONE. When one is in pain, the other feels. WE ARE ALL INTERCONNECTED and INTERDEPENDENT. In order for us to heal, we must face this chaos, pain and the calloused walls everyone built within them and in all societies. We must tear these walls of fear, pride and greed down. Now that I am seasoned and entrusted with this leadership position, I cannot and will not be silent. I cannot and refuse to lie and we must be honest to the world. I cannot allow any of you to pretend and lie to the world by using these Ego whores who are more than willing to sell their own Souls at any price. Life is precious. You cannot restore the dead with money. We cannot bring dishonor to each leadership offices and countries. Violence, which is based on Ego and weak character, must stop. It is time for humanity to grow up. Mature grown ups tackle the painful realities and they do something about it. To be a real human being is a matter of character. To be a real human being is a choice. To err is Ego, not human. When we choose what is best for humanity, the Divine will be more than happy to sprinkle forgiveness on us all to help us with each other’s broken hearts. The Celestials do not want more than anything but to see us become ONE and love one another with the sincerest of hearts.
It is not an accident that the Universe put you where you are. You have a choice to stand up and responsibly keep your promises to your nation and the world but most especially, as a husband to your wife, a father and role model to your children and most importantly, to yourself. My dear brother, your pen is a very powerful sword. It is not just for rhetorical purposes, but you have the power to yield justice for those innocent blood. Bring honor back to your office that all your predecessors have removed in decades. Bring honor to Alfred Nobel. We may not be many, but you got us few who do have invisible strings to assist any real tangible noble cause to better humanity, who will still love and accept you even if you fall for being true to your heart. It takes a real man to use wisdom and discernment. It takes real courage to stand up for yourself. But you are not alone.
Gaddafi loves you like a son. I love you as a brother. YOU know the truth. Gaddafi had to defend his sovereign right and his people. Why do we betray our brother who is doing the best he can for his people whom he has given protection, welfare and love in his own way? Why must others continue to impose their will on others because they are different? Is dominating the other a necessity? Why can we not do things correctly? Why must aggression towards another be used when all you can do is ask? We ought to help and build one another, not destroy. We have one planet. Surely, we can figure out how to provide to all with least amount of bloodshed. Military aggression should be the last resort. You only fire when you must defend. You with the biggest arms should have protected your friend and not listen to the greedy Bastards and the Warmongering whores. We, with Vladimir Putin asked Gaddafi to swallow everything that the three of you did at the United Nations. He has more shown more honor, strength and courage by keeping his word. There is not one single attack on the civilians by Gaddafi! Hello! ALL HIS PLANES are on the ground! We both know Sarcozy did most of that mess the last few days! I am not going to blow the whistle on you right now but you and I both know you are not a Saint in this when it comes to the American side! Why are you allowing Sarcozy to bomb the children’s hospitals, universities, villages and the Libyan people for no reason??!!!! The ONLY thing that is not being touched are the oil fields and the refineries. That alone should speak volumes to the world, yet the media chooses to make up stories and nonsense! You have all made a mockery of our World Constitution just like you did with Iraq. You were against Iraq. What now? You flip, flop, flip, flop, flop? Is this the NEW GAME in Washington? Geez, I really am working too much. I am way behind keeping up with the NONSENSE.
Why do we let the media and these sell out analysts drum up complete utter LIES based on all their selfish agendas? Why are we still hearing Gaddafi did this and did that when it is absolutely bogus! They can’t even edit their videos correctly. You can tell how much they have to stretch. There is not one real photo of what Gaddafi has done. Why are you crucifying the man who has welcomed you with open arms in his country, in his home and shook hands to extract the resources so that the world can happily drive their cars by providing 60% of diesel to the planet? Furthermore, you are in severe debt as it is. Do you really want to burden all your nations with this “get rich quick” scheme by Sarcozy? Let us be reasonable here, my dear brother. You cannot and should not cover Sarcozy’s sins anymore. He is up for re-election and so are you. It is not your responsibility to help him with his financial scandal in his home country. Let France deal with him. He got himself in that mess. There is a lot to be done within your country. You need to focus. Your people need you and your leadership. Be one.
NONE of you have any right to impose your form of government to another nation. You all have your own problems. Your form of “democracy” and governance is not superior than the other. But each problems and issues are interlinked and nothing new. Each have its own type of mindset and culture. The Libyans are not Americans, French or British. Let them be Libyans. Embrace their humanity. They have every right to be on this planet just as you are. Their blood is just as valuable as your people. The West will never understand the world of the Arabs if you keep forcing your own conditioned perspectives to it. I wish that we all learn how to truly communicate, listen and elicit with open minds. Our diversity on this planet is what makes us so beautifully colorful and special in the eyes of the Universe.
The media and their self-serving whores who fueled and rallied the world are very much guilty for the blood that was shed as well. They need to be hanged too. They want a World War III just because negativity and garbage sells. What good is the money in the world when we cannot eat our food and drink our water? What good is progress if the people in your neighborhood are sick? What good is wealth when your friends and loved ones are dead? Well, I personally have had enough clutter and stench. Let’s simply this planet. How about you?
Gaddafi may be a stern hothead, but he is also a good man for HIS people. Yet the media have fed everyone utter nonsense. He is not perfect for he has his own sins. Libya will deal with their Libyans. It is none of our business at this point. Let him handle his people.
But you and your legacy: Do you really wish to have another Somalia? A Rwanda? A Balkan? Why would you join these bandits who are supporting the rebels when IF they “win”, these 5 Clans will NEVER do what is best for the people? They will fight amongst themselves. Do not follow the mistake that Bill Clinton and the UN did in Rwanda by not doing what you could have prevented. Gaddafi’s leadership is much needed there, and there have been agreements now that is much better for all parties, and while the naïve people in the West can never understand, you must take the first step to not get involved with internal business affairs of any nation. You do not need to be a Police anymore and you don’t need to listen to these Warmongers egging you on. Enough is enough. This is not going to help your Presidency, only the fat greedy Bastards who fueled this. Your name is worth more than these illusions. The real enemies of Americans are IN your own backyard. You MUST weed them out. Tell your people. Your people will support you. Give them that credit. There is power in numbers. Let the American people know. You will gain their respect for standing for TRUTH. Trust, my dear friend. Trust in TRUTH, for the Universe calls you to step up to your true Destiny. It is the only way to usher the CHANGE your people want to believe in. Give them HOPE once more. You have time to rectify things. It is never too late make amends. People have more respect for people who are big enough to admit their wrongs. You already did that first step. Continue on the straight and narrow. It is not popular. But is that really the reason why you wanted to be President? I hope not, because if it is, then you shouldn’t be sitting there.
China, Europe, Russia, Germany, India, Middle East and the world will forgive this incident and we can all hug behind closed doors ☺. Putin spoke up, though afterwards call it personal by his country, that this is a medieval crusade. If he can do it out of the truth from his heart, why can’t you? You KNOW this is VERY wrong. While trust on all parties have been either severed or torn on many occasions, especially on this one because of Sarcozy’s greedy tantrums to save his face in his country, all can be fixed and healed if you and your country are willing to humble yourselves. We will and must deal with Sarcozy sternly. We are very sure that France will not want any further embarrassment. Certainly, what he has done yesterday in Saudi has put you in a very stressful position and your relationship is hanging on thin thread in that region. Having us almost killed by Sarcozy would have been very detrimental for all. You need us in the Middle East to iron this all out. And we were!!! We haven’t slept!!! Killing the TRUMF CARDS are not highly advisable. You get one of us killed, guess who is not going to be happy? You know well that when you kill the highest ranking officials on the planet, it will not be good for anyone because of those who will defend our deaths.
Well, I think it is only fair to warn you that not many hours from now, I hope you and your posse are ready because I am the Appointed and Mandated Person and the ONLY ENTRUSTED “JOURNALIST” who happens to be the Publisher/Founder of The Santos Republic who will release the OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE to the world. We have already briefed the key parties and we got full support. We want this atrocities done by your Coalition to stop by tomorrow ASAP! As the Mandated One to speak and represent this Collective Voice, it is also therefore my MORAL DUTY to release the facts and the UNADULTERATED TRUTH as an Ambassador to Humanity and World, as a human being and as the Publisher of this start up news source to the world in the next few days.
We refuse to tear this planet apart over some silly oil! Again! Come on! I’m still sore from these rebels destroying the Egyptian Antiquities! 4000 Coptic Christians and 58 Coptic churches? Gone! OMG! I tried to salvage the Egyptian ones and I had to cry that I can’t glue them together!!! You how angry that makes me feel considering I’m possibly one of the most resourceful person on the planet besides my brother? They’re SO destroyed. If we didn’t intervene, these people would have destroyed the second oldest Cathedral in the world! I am still not done grieving of what you did to every Antiquity stuff in Iraq!!! My Very Old Soul and love for archaeology and antiquities is hurting very badly. Yeah, with all the innocent lives dead, these artifacts ruined and stolen, relationships hanging in the balance in the Middle East, and my Romantic Courtship (well, we are not even going there), my heart is very broken these days. Are you really able to sleep? I can’t relax the last 2-3 months and now Auntie Elizabeth Taylor dead, I don’t know. I’m trying to keep my chin up. We cannot do this to each other anymore. Where is your heart, Barack? Is it attached to your conscience still or did you cut the cord when you sign your confidentiality papers as you became President?
Honor what you said in Egypt during your first year. We can all start from scratch if all of you are real honest, humble yourselves and be willing to truly want open dialog followed by tangible deeds for peace. The Royal House of Britain, and the noblest Elites of elites who want peace will be most grateful for such show of strength, courage and brotherhood. We owe to it humanity. We owe it to our families and friends. We owe it to our born and unborn. We owe it to our own honor as Guardians of this world. I am deeply appealing to your heart and Soul for we do not wish to get involved and use our muscle on this petty squabble. It will be disastrous for everyone if my group steps in. Would you let your grandmother or aunt go to War? Besides, it is quite rude to not let an old lady enjoy her tea in peace, don’t you think? I will have you know that Her Majesty is very much in outraged. Do you know how much restraining we have to do? Apropos, say goodbye to your colleagues. They won’t be around much longer. We will do everything in our power that JUSTICE is served and deal with them severely as soon as the OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE gets out of my hands. We have enough countries now to end this in peaceful agreement. NONE of you can stop this engine we have been tirelessly working on the last few days. So I suggest, bow out now because the ball has been rolling without any of your knowledge. I’m a WOMAN. I do have a bag of tricks and I’m not afraid to use them
Let us end this sanity. This NO LIFE ZONE (aka NO FLY ZONE) will be removed once we get all the official seals stamped. Kindly remove all the Warmongering Egos and SEND them EVERYONE home. Clean your own backyards. You have a lot of work to do with yours. Goodness sakes, I am very sure you have a lot of explaining to do already when we send America the bill. Uhm, Britain I think just had a heart attack with our preliminaries. France, well, their seniors and retirees may fill up all the hospitals next week due to financial depression. Americans? Well, good luck. You made your choices. Needless to say, this first BOMB of FACTS REPORT coming from my desk very soon is not going to be pretty for any of you, Coalition.
I leave you to your thoughts. Choose well and true, my dear brother. Never forget who you really are: A Human Being who is part of the WHOLE.
You are loved unconditionally.
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