I'm writing this now to you just because. Maybe you may still be doubting my love for you? Ask yourself this how can I doubt her love? what reason do I have. How could i second guess my initial feeling in my soul that she is the one for me. When it is that initial feeling that is usually right. That when we second guess this is when we are are wrong. Why do i read all her messages if i dont in someway still feel the feeling i felt in the beginning. What more proof do I need? When everyday I fight to forget her and I can not. How does she know what I am feeling if she is not my one . How does she know I cry . How does she know i think of her every day? And everyday I fight to forget her. How does she know inside im hurting so bad as I try and fight to respond to every message she send me even though in my heart and in my soul i want to. How does she know everything i feel in me and I dont let her know about me see me or hear from me? The answer is inside of you . All you have to do is open your heart and soul to feel her as she has done you. by cheryl cortez to her one
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