Gaddafi’s Death is Rumor spread by TNC for Hillary Clinton
Oct 20, 2011 (Mathaba/TSR) - Rumors are circulating once again with European and American leaders misinforming the public, and the usual media culprits Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabia broadcasting the occupation NTC (National Terrorist Council) claim of the capture or death of Muammar Gaddafi.
Green Committees have confirmed that the leader is alive, and that the enemy is seeking to take advantage of his being currently out of communications. The aim is to please Hillary Clinton who barked at her Arab slaves that she wants Muammar Gaddafi “dead or alive.”
This is the psyop photo from a mobile phone claiming Gaddafi is captured and wounded. Remember the CNN's alleged raping of Libyan women that turned out to be PORN? Take heed.
The analysts who are close to the Libyan leader have told Mathaba that the aim of the rumours is several fold. On the one hand, they wish to demoralize the Libyan resistance which has held out for over 7 months against the strongest terrorists and invading armies in the world. On the other hand, they wish to thus lure the Leader out to make a call in order to attempt to get a fix on his location.
The Secretary-General of the International People’s Conference Organization told Mathaba that there is also another aim in this strategy of Clinton and her minions, which is to attempt to perpetuate the myth that the TNC controls all of Libya and that the Jamahiriya is no more, because the TNC has made it clear they cannot declare a government unless they control the entire country.
NATO, the American-European armed forces, primarily cowardly Air Forces which have been bombing Libya non-stop since March this year, and special ground forces and foreign terrorists, have killed an estimated 60,000 Libyans thus far, but the Libyan Jamahiriya remains the only legitimate government because it rests squarely upon the Libyan people.
The IPCO Secretary-General said “Clinton wishes to lay her hands on the over 100 billion dollars of Libyan Jamahiriya assets which have been frozen. She cannot do so legally nor hand over any of those funds on any legal footing so long as the Jamahiriya continues to exist. And it does continue to exist, because it consists of over 6,000 basic people’s conferences.
LEARN WELL FROM THE PSYOP PROS ALL YEAR: Here is the alleged killed photo of Osama bin Laden in May they deceived the world with, while the rest of us, even the people of Pakistan is laughing at. Osama has died many years ago.
“The fact that the basic people’s conferences could not convene at least twice a year as usual this year, has been because of the heavy NATO bombing and lack of security for the public to gather in their conference halls. However, in other countries around the world, elections take place only every 4, 5 or even 7 years, not several times a year as in the Jamahiriya, so the existing policies and legislation remain in force, as well as the existing authorities, until such time as the masses can convene again”, the Secretary-General said.
This image is said to be the hiding place of Gaddafi. The blue graffiti on the wall reads: 'The hiding place of the vile rat Gaddafi'. Anyone heard of FAKE Iraq War and the way they claim they found Saddam Hussein? Same script, don't you think? This is just very sad that they waste all this money rather helping people.
Mathaba Libya news editor said that NATO and Clinton are desperate to show a “victory” in Libya, by way of a compliant media, and the TNC is anxious to provide that “victory” for their masters, in order to secure further support. The TNC leaders and their factions are all fighting amongst each other, and are dissatisfied with the spoils, which so far have not been forthcoming due to the armed population putting up a fierce resistance, and the globalist bankers being unable to keep their promises to the Libyan traitors.
Libyans should continue their mass green demonstrations and resistance, and ignore all rumours, as it has been confirmed that Mu’ammar Qaddafi is alive and well and will not be in communications currently for security reasons. One of the main aims of Clinton has been to kill or capture Qaddafi, or otherwise force him to leave Libya, and none of those aims will be granted her.
NOTE: Remember US Secretary was just in Libya instructing the rebels to do whatever it takes. Even that video and telling everyone she was in Tripoli was false. She was not in Tripoli.
Gaddafi was supposedly captured or killed in Sirte, that he was being tracked by satellite to be hiding somewhere deep in the southern Libyan desert. How can he now be captured or killed in Sirte if the town was under siege and in a blockade for weeks? Did Gaddafi somehow travel thousands of kilometres to sneak into Sirte? Then TNC’s Mahmoud Jibril (who is about to get sacked) said 68 vehicles with at least eight fighters each crossed the Libyan borders to Mali and Gaddafi is hiding in the southern desert. Pick up a map. Learn geography.
Today is just another day cleaning out garbage news. – TSR
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